Pastor’s Corner

Dear Friends of the Chapel,

Last Sunday, our Family Minister, Jessy Allen, helped us to celebrate Epiphany! With the Chapel needing to close due to weather on the 5th, our journey with the magi just took a bit longer. Thank you, Jessy, for preaching for us.

In Matthew 2:1-12, we read of the story of the magi following a star to find Jesus. As astrologers, they were very accustomed to looking to the stars for answers and signs. God spoke to them to show the way to Jesus in a way that was familiar to them. The star was enough of an “aha” moment that the magi were willing to leave home and begin a journey, which they had no idea how long would take them. In those days, that journey could have also been a very dangerous one. They brought with them gifts – gold, frankincense, and myrrh – all precious and costly. They were prepared to have their lives turned around by this new king.

They were also very good at discerning the motives of those they met. With King Herod, they realized his bad intentions. These suspicions were confirmed in a dream as well. If they were to do their part in helping God’s Reign to come on earth as it is in heaven, they had to protect this new young king from Herod, and they did. Herod could have easily caught them and had them imprisoned, but they knew God’s desire for them was to protect this king who would bring peace, hope, and forgiveness to this world.

Although you and I may really enjoy looking at the stars at night, most of us do not use them frequently to discern God’s desires for us. What shines the light and ways of God for us? Scripture? Others and their stories of faith? Prayer and meditation? Dreams? Listening for God’s voice to come through things we read or see or watch? God is always speaking to us. Are we hearing God and daring to follow God’s leading?

Giving a star word to everyone in the church at the beginning of the year is something we started a few years ago. Sometimes having a word to guide us can help steer our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. This year, the whole church has the star word “LOVE” to help guide us. Those who would like one also have a personal star word. It was fun on Sunday to see people sharing their personal star words. I hope to hear more sharing about how that word has helped guide you to Jesus this year.

If you did not get a star, or your word is just not seeming to be the word for you, please plan to pick one up during the week or on a Sunday. There are baskets with stars at both the north and east doors. Perhaps you would like to share one with a friend.

Thanks to Jim O’Shea for cutting and printing up all the stars! May all of us seek to find and follow Jesus this week and every week!

God’s Peace in Every Step,

Pastor Donna

  • Read John 20:24-29 for next week.