Weddings & Rentals


If you are interested in having your wedding at the Chapel, we would be happy to assist you. Please read on for information regarding weddings at the Chapel. Should any question remain after viewing this material, please feel free to contact us.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Our Chapel was built in 1915 as a school and Church for the residents who worked and lived at Longview Farm. The school area has been converted into offices, but the Sanctuary remains much the same as it was in 1915. The Sanctuary’s size will seat comfortably a MAXIMUM of 120 GUESTS, which eliminates larger weddings, but provides a very pleasant and intimate atmosphere for the small to average sized wedding. There is a small Nave or Narthex (entrance foyer) in the rear of the Sanctuary that will accommodate a guest registration area.


We also rent out our events space, Long Hall, for other events such as meetings, gatherings, etc. This space holds a maximum of 80 people.

We welcome and encourage visitors to come and see the Chapel before making any decision. The Chapel is open from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday, or by appointment.

Please contact the office for information regarding fees.