

Worship opportunities for you:

  • Worship services at 9:00 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. in the Chapel
    • Nursery care for infants up to age 3 available during both services.
  • Fellowship Time from 10:00-10:25 a.m.
  • Online Worship – Livestreamed at 10:30 a.m. and available anytime HERE.
  • Sunday School for children and youth at both services.
  • Ambassadors Class at 8:50 a.m. in Long Hall.

If you are visiting

Welcome to Longview Chapel Christian Church’s website. We’re excited you’ve found us and hope this website will serve as a valuable tool as you begin to explore our faith community. Below are a number of frequently asked questions that will help you begin to get to know our community. Of course, we sincerely hope that you will visit us so that we may get to know you. We are a community built on relationships and there is always room for you.

Will I be welcome at Longview Chapel?

“Yes.” We welcome all to come as you are and join us on the journey of life and faith exploration. We take that invitation very seriously. We celebrate and honor diversity.

What is worship like?

 Our services are a mix of singing, prayer, special music, and exploring the Bible together. Each Sunday we share in communion. Everyone is welcome to come to the table. Communion is our way of reenacting and remembering Jesus’ practice of welcoming all people to God’s table. In addition, our pastor offers a message in a style that is thought-provoking, relevant, and engaging. Each service is about 55 to 60 minutes.

How should I dress?

On Sunday mornings, our friends and members come dressed in everything from business casual to shorts and t-shirts or jeans.  Please feel free to dress as you choose.

What do you offer for children?

We love having children as part of our church community. We have nursery care at both the 9:00 and 10:30 a.m. services for infants through 3-year-olds. After the Children’s Message at both services, children are invited to go for learning times focused on their spiritual needs. During worship, children are invited to sing and engage in a children’s message. We welcome children to share their talents in worship and service!

In addition, our Region holds summer camps at Tall Oaks Conference Center near Bonner Springs, KS for children and youth of all ages.

How many people will be there?

This can really vary depending on weather and activities of our members. The 9:00 a.m. service has 30-40 people and the 10:30 a.m. service 50-60 people depending on the week. Our Chapel seats 120 people so we are drawn together to worship.

Does it cost to attend?

No; each Sunday we invite those present to contribute to an offering which helps to support the ministries of the church, but this is optional and not expected of visitors and guests.

Who are the Disciples of Christ?

We are a mainline Protestant denomination much like Presbyterians or Methodists with our origins going back to the American frontier.  Throughout our history we have valued the autonomy of the local church (congregations choose their own pastors and make their own decisions). We value study of scripture but do not believe any one person or group has a corner on the “right” way to interpret the Bible. We come to our understanding of scripture by studying, questioning, and exploring the text together.  We value the centrality of communion and welcome all people to the table. We recognize and honor baptisms from other Christian traditions. We see ourselves as a movement for wholeness and unity in a fragmented world. We celebrate opportunities to work alongside other denominations and other faiths and we are committed to reaching out to those in need both locally and globally.  Feel free to visit or for additional information about our denomination.

Do I have to be Christian to participate?

Our church community is enriched by people with many different thoughts and experiences of faith. Some of us have been Christians all our lives. Others of us come to this church by way of other faith traditions or perhaps no faith experience at all. We welcome diversity and believe that we can only grow by sharing and learning from those who have different thoughts, questions, and ideas about faith.

Is your building accessible?

Yes! Please use the north door ramp at the side of the church nearest to the parking lot. Accessible bathrooms are located near the north door and in our fellowship hall.

What about parking?

Our parking lot is generally sufficient for most Sunday mornings. Should there be an overflow, there is also street parking available. A number of handicapped parking spaces are designated to the left of the parking lot entrance.